Reflecting on these images is a way to explore our hearts more deeply. It’s a way to slow down, to savor the beautiful moments we get to experience. And in the process, we can get to know our selves a little better.
About the Original Image
I was setting up an image of the bride and groom coming together. And in this in between moment, she opened her arms, letting the wind and the sun wash over her. I saw: arms wide open, facing the light, simple joy, a pause in the chaos.
I imagined an emotional reaction, based on what I know of her life. Because there are pieces that resonate with my own life. I’m looking for connecting points. And this process of active imagination feels like a practice of sharing in the human emotional experience. Being curious about how another feels, and the ways you might relate.
I knew I wanted to use it in a composite image.
About the Creative Edit
These creative edits are a way for me to explore my point of view and a practice in being open to expanding this view.
A pause in the chaos, a deep exhale. That is what I wanted to sit with. After freely creating, I reflected some on what I ended with. I isolated the subject as a way to focus on the emotional content. I placed her in a peaceful environment. The sand running through her fingers was a happy accident. It was something that happened while experimenting in the editing process. It makes me think of a sensory grounding exercise, a visual depiction of being fully present in a moment. The textures layered in to express the ‘washing over’ peaceful feeling perhaps.
When I look at the final image I see both grounded and heart open. And this is a feeling worth savoring.
Out of curiosity, I ran both images through the Insight program. I was looking for any similarities or differences in the emotional tone of the AI generated images.

Thoughts on Insight Images
This was a fun little experiment, sort of like a feedback loop. The creative edit does have a stronger carefree, experiencing the moment feeling to me.