Over two years ago, my youngest daughter and I were making a regular Target trip, she asked me what I want to be when I grow up. After she identified Elsa and a unicorn as possible options, I thought I would just go with it and say something that seemed just as much fantasy. I wanted to be an artist.
“Artist means nothing. So just pick and choose another one.” says the three year old. (check out Instagram video of this conversation – hilarious!)
And this is the exact sentiment that I always understood growing up. That art is a hobby, not a serious option. So quite right, a unicorn might be just as realistic.
But I suppose I always did like to challenge and question the status quo. And over the weekend, I celebrated opening night of my very first gallery show!
This project began from a desire to explore my voice. My method was to photograph something that I love and am passionate about, and see where it would lead. I knew I wanted to photograph something real, something authentic, and I also knew that I am drawn to capturing connections between people. I knew it would involve conveying emotion.
I decided on photographing women who were viewed as strong or inspirational in some way. My hopes for this project were for those who view these stories and images to walk away not just feeling inspired by them, but seeing some of themselves or of a loved one mirrored back. I realized through this project that I was looking to see and understand strength in myself as well.
There were a few women that I directly reached out to about this project, and many of them were recommended by other woman who revered them as a source of strength and inspiration in their lives. I would then reach out to these women and share a little more about this project. We would talk about their experiences and how we might best capture their strength in a series of photos. These conversations really touched my life. I was continually amazed by the willingness of these brave women to share their stories in such a deeply personal way. They have each inspired me in unique ways.
I never expected this project to be so moving! I saw this early on when I started to talk with other people and other women about it. I saw it when a woman talked to me about someone they know who would be perfect for this project, when she said it gave her goosebumps just thinking about it. I saw it when women would share with me what it was like bringing up this project to a loved one who they thought would be a perfect fit. How they had never told them how inspiring they are, and what a meaningful conversation unfolded for them. I saw it when I met with some of the women and saw them get emotional when I asked if they had any idea other people thought of them in this way.
I realized a true gift from this project was in the practice of recognizing the experience of other women. I was so inspired by watching this unfold, I wondered if this practice could be extended further. I began reaching out to other local businesses to discuss having a charity photo shoot with proceeds going towards a community program that helps strengthen and support women. So now, in conjunction with this gallery show, Indigo Bloom Skinspa and I will be raising over $1,000 for the Personal Development Center, specifically their W.I.S.E. Group. This group offers the opportunity for women who have experienced domestic abuse to be a part of an adult mutual help group with the intent of developing, enhancing, or re-establishing a healthy sense of self.
Under each image I made a book sharing more of each story through images. Here is a closer look at just a few of the images.
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I am still trying to take it all in. Seeing people interact with these images in such a powerful way was incredible! This was my hope. That people would feel a personal connection to these images. That they would see some of themselves in the experiences of others. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect way to wrap up this project! I am so grateful!
The next morning, I asked my daughter if she thought her mommy was an artist. She said yes.