A set of images combining two recent sessions. Playing around with images and seeing what happens.
Waiting for a session to start, I captured a few images using a prism. What caught my attention was the One Way sign, how I could capture the signs from both sides of the street in one frame. Later I think of it as how there can be more than one One Way.
Then I experimented with other ways to incorporate the sign. Looking back, it’s interesting to me the idea of One Way captured through a prism, which is often used figuratively to describe a way of looking at or thinking about something that causes you to see or understand it in a different way.
The heart of open-mindedness is curiosity. Curiosity doesn’t take sides or insist on a single way of doing things. It explores all perspectives. Always open to new ways, always seeking to arrive at original insights. Craving constant expansion, it looks upon the outer limits of the mind with wonder. It pushes to expose falsely set boundaries and break through to new frontiers. -Rick Rubin

Ella’s session with her horses was quietly moving to me. It was simple, capturing something pure and meaningful. Almost magical. Maybe because it involved her connection to the horses she loves so much, or her connection to places that make her heart feel at home. Maybe I felt some connection to this feeling or experience that I don’t have words for. I’m sure it has something to do with connection.

Thoughts on combining
I tried a few different things, a few different ways of combining. Reflecting on what I ended up with, it looks to me like mimicking the prism effect. Letting one image fade into the other in certain parts. I love the contrast between the dreary downtown scenes and the mystic natural scenes. And the blurring between the two.
Becoming aware of what you like and don’t like and better understanding how you are influenced, informed, and changed by arts encounters creates opportunities for you to apply your own perceptual preferences to almost every area of your life. Using arts in this way is so powerful. -Susan Magsamen & Ivy Ross