Just five more minutes

A visual depiction of what being confronted with change sometimes feels like.

I’m not ready. I’d rather stay comfortable. I didn’t choose this. I resist, and the uncomfortable feeling grows. The gut punch kind of uncomfortable. The kind that comes in mirror form, and refuses to let you look the other way.

I know by now this type of pain is also a gift. It invites you to step up again by alerting you to what needs changing. If you choose to listen. I just wasn’t ready for the next round of this quite yet. Though I couldn’t label a specific emotion here in this image, I knew it wasn’t what I wanted.

She looked a little more scared than I wanted to convey. But then again, it feels a little more scary than I would like it to feel.

I ran this image through Insight, curious if I would see a variety of emotions in the images sent back. I tried several times, zooming in closer each time. No luck. I was very focused on the facial expression this time, and nothing I saw resonated. I set this idea down, unsure what I wanted to do next but resolved to return to it later.

When one tool is not helpful, try another.

The meditation I practiced this day involved imagery around fortifying your core, being rooted and open/permeable at the same time. This is a way you can access healing, the guide said. Strong center while staying open and light. Transmute the material you are presented with. Yes! I do agree.

I picked up my iPad later to work on a different picture I had been meaning to get to. I tried a few different background images and landed on the same ones I used in the earlier image I set aside, just used in different ways.

“Using the image-making process, we can explore our many layers, loosen outworn ideas, and try out new images for ourselves.” – Pat Allen, Art is A Way of Knowing

I love the expression in this one; the surrender, the grace. And that’s exactly it! Something that resonates. Yes, there is resistance. But stronger than that is hope. When you are able to look at the ways you might be contributing to your own discomfort, you open yourself up to consider alternatives.

Stay centered. Stay open.





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