2017 Chestnut Center for the Arts, Solo Exhibition

Women Narratives: Stories of Strength

2018 Voice Image Collection

Finalist: Light

(Click Magazine)

2018 Best Wedding Photographer

(Looks Like Film)

2019 Voice Image Collection

Best In Category: Weather

(Click Magazine)

2019 Chestnut Center for the Arts, Solo Exhibition

A Surreal Life: An Exploration into Composite Photography

2020 Voice Image Collection

Finalist: Seeing Double

(Click Magazine)

2020 One Hundred Female Photographers To Watch

(Click Magazine)

“Leslie has the uncanny ability to take a photograph and transform it into high-end fine art. Her images draw viewers in and leaves them anxiously awaiting her next.”

2020 Featured Article in The Detailed Life Magazine

The Quarantine Edition

"Creating these images became a way to process the roller-coaster of emotions, a way to remember this historic experience."

2021 Voice Image Collection

Finalist: Mobile

(Click Magazine)

2021 Artless Bastard Gallery

Runner-up Best in Category: Fantasy Lands

2021 Interview on The Creative Frame Podcast, Taking Risks & Telling Your Story through Photography


“This podcast was the most refreshing and inspiring listen. Trusting your intuition and the process, and accepting the nuances and failures for what they are … don’t get down from them but rather learn from them and let them lead you, that discovery awaits. Be the artist you are meant to be, unapologetically you!” - Candace





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